austin-cheney 3 months ago

> So, for all those out there suffering from imposter syndrome because your company doesn’t call you a “real developer”, that’s bullshit. If you write software, you’re a software developer.

Kind of.

I prefer the term software engineer. Engineers follow processes and measure things. Actually delivering a product is by a product of those more disciplined actions.

I consider developer to be a less distinguished title. As the article describes it’s people that write code. Writing code not imply actually writing software. During my career I have encountered a vast number of developers that cannot write software, but they can kind of write code.

For example there is a world that my career used to live in that I call framework hell. In framework hell developers write code but many cannot program original software at all. Instead they follow predefined patterns like reading from a recipe book. That’s where the feeling of imposter syndrome comes from. It’s the feeling from knowing you are in a job that you aren’t qualified to perform without so much help that its just pretend.

Engineers don’t have those insecurities because they follow processes and measure things.