rbanffy 3 months ago

Kind of similar to the Plato IV plasma displays: when memory is too expensive, you store data on the screen.

watsocd 3 months ago

I went to a high school 1974-80 that was close to the University of Waterloo in Ontario Canada. Even then they were a big computer school.

Through my high school, I had access to the UW computer resources.

I remember using Tektronix's terminals at 9,600 baud direct to the mainframe. Man that was FAST!!

  • rbanffy 3 months ago

    And the way it flashes when a line is stored is sublime.

    I somehow managed to convince the VTE people to let me add Tektronix emulation to the terminal, but, it wasn't until now that I managed to get my hands on what I want to be the reference implementation - a VT240 running under MAME. I even added some BASIC programs to my MP/M emulation (under SimH) to showcase what it can do (and compare with xterm's emulation, which I don't really like).