thomascountz 2 days ago

For those interested, see Daniel Shiffman's Nature of Code[1], a book in which you go from simple "ant" simulations to "boid" flocking behaviors, and from physics simulation to machine learning, neuroevolution, and NEAT using p5.js for graphics.


m0d0nne11 2 days ago

I haven't yet read the article but my immediate reaction is that back around 1992 there used to be an X screensaver program that did pretty much exactly what's shown in that YT video and it was strictly algorithmic...

  • FLHerne 2 days ago

    Yes, that algorithm is what's described in the article.

  • mepian 2 days ago

    “Artificial life” can be strictly algorithmic.

Xen9 2 days ago

The impressive recent ALSA either used graphically or actually Boids. I don't know which because there's too much information to go beyond surface even in impressive things.