mplanchard a day ago

Meanwhile these idiots cancelled a USDA program to provide $1 billion to helping schools purchase food from local farms, which if your goal is to build a system where people eat fewer mega corporate food additives seems counterproductive to say the least.

ndegruchy a day ago

I don't like Kennedy. I don't like his policies on vaccination, on disease safety and just his politics and associations in general. However, I am willing to admit where he is right. Some food additives are not needed and ultra-processed food can be a health nightmare. Getting some of these things off our shelves is a net-good.

Now, if he could be more sensible in other areas....

  • jfengel 6 hours ago

    No, he's wrong here, too. The FD&C colors are about as safe as food additives get. Some have extremely weak negatives, hard to detect without huge surveys and powerful statistics. Banning all of them outright is absurd.

    I'm more interested in something later in the article: "eliminate a loophole that lets food and beverage companies bring new ingredients to market without agency oversight". It's remarkable how little companies have to do to bring in a new food additive.

    But that loophole is a much bigger deal for supplements, rather than food. Food is just food, but supplements are supposed to have beneficial effects which are practically never true. The FDA has rules, but they're widely ignored, and even when practiced allow a lot of latitude for weasel words. Many people -- including Kennedy -- believe in the value of a lot of things with no science behind them. At best, it's a waste of money. At worst, it's actively killing people.

  • mrguyorama a day ago

    The problem with all the "However, I am willing to admit where he is right" with this administration is that what they SAY and what they DO are entirely decoupled.

    I don't give a fuck what he says. If he isn't DOING anything to actually make food less processed, it doesn't matter that what he says agrees with reality.